One Day – One hell of a book!
I’ll write this post but in English and I'll tell you why straight away: I just finished reading „One Day“ by David Nicholls – in its ORIGINAL version. And if you intend to read this book (which I would highly recommend) PLEASE do not read it in any other language than English. The British accent that the book maintans ever so bloody brilliantly adds it’s very own charm to the whole story and can in no way be replaced by whatever language it might get grinded into.
The 400 pages (and a bit) tell the bittersweet story of Emma Morley and Dexter Mayhew – in a period of almost 20 years. It starts one drunk/ hungover July 15th 1988 when the two fresh graduate students meet for the first time and kind of hook up on the same night. From then on we get thrown into Dex's and Em's lives on that very same date one year after and the year after that... until the July 15th 2007 when... well I'll leave it to you to find that out. Just this: The reader’s allowed a very intimate insight into the lives of two very different people whose paths cross, join up, separate, melt into one… throughout two decades. It’s funny. It’s depressing. It’s exciting. It’s sad. It’s enlightening. It’s unpretentiously wise. It’s just as life itself.
If you’re a man, a girl or a goat – read “One Day”!
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David Nicholls - THE author |
By the way: NOT knowing about the recent hype this book had already set loose my boyfriend and I stumbled across this literary peace of gold when we looked for a book, we both could read (meaning a book in English since we don’t share the same native language). So we saw this very original cover and some very promising praises of Nick Hornby, Marian Keyes, The Times, The Daily Mirror and the God knows what that had us convinced – this must be a nice book. A nice book it was.
A bit later someone posted the trailer of the soon coming movie these brilliant words are going to be squeezed into on facebook. Needless to say, I did not watch it. Better watch the whole movie later and nag about the fake British accent of that ever so boring Hollywood actress who (who the hell knows why) just haaaad to play the female leading character. Nevermind, watch it, don't watch it, whatever it. But do one thing:
Read One Day.
This truly sounds like a book to read, I must try find it somewhere.. I've realized that there's so many books too little time that often I read a review or something about a good piece, and after a while forget all about it :D I'll try to keep this in mind ! ^^
AntwortenLöschenThanks for your comment, I replied to it in my blog :)
xx indie by heart
haha ein glück kenne und liebe ich das buch deswegen brauchte ich deinen post nicht wirklic durchlesen .. englisch ist mir einfach zu anstrengend. tut mir leid.
AntwortenLöschenes ist einfach wundervoll. :D
Ehrlich was schöneres habe ich selten gelesen. :)
Lg. Lotta
Hört sich gut an! Das werde ich mal direkt auf meine Amazon-Wunschliste setzen :) Und es geht sowieso nichts über englische Bücher.. wer braucht schon deutsche Literatur?
AntwortenLöschenif i have enought time. i will read it. loving english accent.
AntwortenLöschenoooh, neulich hab ich mir noch gedacht, da gabs doch son buch dass ich lesen will...danke fürs errinnern! und ich stimme dir voll zu, wie meißtens sollte man es in der originalversion auf englisch lesen, den tollen britischen humor kann man nich 1 zu 1 übersetzen. xxx